1. Kirim email ke koalgoo@live.com dengan format:
– Nama lengkap kamu
– Alamat rumah kamu (alamat lengkap ya, biar lebih gampang mengurus biaya kirim ke rumah kamu nantinya)
– Nomor telepon/handphone yang aktif
– Apa yang mau kamu pesan (album, official goods, etc.) note: kamu bisa pesan album/official goods apa aja yang kamu mau, tinggal kasih tau detailnya ke aku aja ya πŸ™‚ karena terlalu banyak jadi nggak bisa aku post satu-satu. boleh tanya-tanya dulu harganya lewat e-mail kok ^~^
– Total order kamu

2. Nanti akan aku balas soal bayarnya bagaimana, kemana, dan lain-lain. Kirim email saja dulu biar aku lebih gampang jelasin ke kamu dan mengatur orderan πŸ™‚

3. Barang orderan akan sampai 2-4 minggu di rumah aku (Jakarta), aku kirim ke rumah kamu paling lama 3-5 hari kerja

Terima kasih, dan SELAMAT BERBELANJA ^~^


1. Send an email to koalgoo@live.com with format:
– Your full name
– Your address (please fulfill completely, so I can give you the shipping info clearly)
– Your active handphone/telephone number
– What you want to order (album, official goods, etc.) note: you can order what you want (if I haven’t posted what you want to order) tell me the details and I will give you the information. If you want to ask the price first, you can ask me by email ^~^
– Total of your order

2. I will reply you about how to pay and total price (the posted price exclude shipping to your home and tube poster). Send an email first so it will be easy to inform you πŸ™‚

3. I ordered everything from Korea, so it will arrive 2-4 weeks at my home (Jakarta). I will send the package 3-5 days (weekdays) after your orders arrive

Thank you, and HAPPY SHOPPING ^~^